Sound like magic, right? It’s not. It’s the way things work.

I’ve always believed that storytelling has the power to change the world. In scripts, we tell stories that can engage and enlighten, that can move us or make us laugh. It’s one of the oldest forms of entertainment. We can reflect on how things are and how things might be in the stories we create. We can communicate those ideas to others and inspire or challenge those people who read, produce, or see our work. But that’s not all. It’s one thing to take a look at the impact of the stories we tell on our audience. It’s another thing to look at how the stories we tell impact us.

Imagine how the simplest negative stories impact writers every day. “I’m not very good at this,” the story goes. “Everyone else is better. I should give up.” Is that a story worth telling? I talk with writers all the time who are being attacked by stories like this. Under the weight of comparing themselves to others, under the illusion that their writing must be “perfect” they avoid their creative work, or they stop writing completely – or they refuse to start. This story (told in a shadowy voice) is writing someone’s future even as we speak. (Is that someone you?)

As a coach, I am dedicated to encouraging writers and would-be writers, people like you, to lean joyfully and positively into the opportunity to create stories. Not only for the screen or the stage, but for your day to day life. In fact, on January 4th, I’m going to be on a call about this. It’s a preview to a multi-week class I’ll be teaching for the Creativity Coaching Association in 2016: save the date and join us!

Your Story Unlocks Everything!
Manifest your core truth and learn to use your story in life, your business and your art.

A free one-hour interview with Bev Down, CCA President & CEO and Steve Harper, prolific writer and CCA certified creativity coach.

When: Monday, January 4, 2016 at 5:00 pm, PST / 8:00 pm EST

Dial-in Number: 1-218-844-1930

Participant Access Code: 53537

Can’t wait?? Here’s something you can do now:

As we come to the end of 2015, you have the chance to change the narrative of your life. You might call it reviewing and forecasting.

Take a piece of paper (or open a doc on your computer) and spend 15 minutes writing down the events of this year. What can you celebrate? What can you mourn? Review as much as you can in 15 minutes. Then, take another piece of paper and envision what you’d like to see for the year ahead. Let your imagination run wild! What would be fun, adventurous, joyful? Claim it. Write it.

I believe you can plant the seeds now for your abundance in 2016. You deserve every bit of it.

What are you waiting for?

Wishing you a joyous holiday and a Happy New Year!