My clients know I’m big on celebration. I talk about it all the time, frequently tossing out the question “What have you done to celebrate?” I’m a firm believer in stepping into a place of honoring around the heavy (and light) lifting that is focused, frequent creative work. Almost everyone I know is working hard at something (even those who occasionally avoid their artistic work). We, as a people, are working and working and working.
I am no exception. Between launching my web series, SEND ME, writing a new script, leading an online coaching class, and participating in a coaching summit, my plate is more than full. So why was I was surprised to get a cold and spend a weekend in bed? Clearly I needed to recharge. And I did recharge!
I’m more aware than ever that rest and rejuvenation is the key to productivity. My body and my spirit crave the chance to refresh. On the other side of it, I’m able to show up in my art and my work more joyful and more focused. You can, too.
Among the many ways to recharge is listening to an inspiring speaker. I’ve become a big fan of audio books, and have lately been grooving to the wisdom of various memoir writers (Tina Fey, Shonda Rhimes).
Your ability to hear any speaker, and even to hear your own artistic inner voice depends on being alert. Being alert depends on being rested.
So, please, get some rest.