The holidays are whipping by as they usually do. They might be leaving you breathless with parties and shopping and other celebrations. Or perhaps you’re relaxing in front of the TV with your feet up or making trips to the movie theatre or obsessed with your favorite video game. Great! However you can, I encourage you to chill. ‘tis the season.
And, in a moment, a New Year will begin – with all the promise of a fresh creative slate.
Ready to welcome it all?
Here’s a method to step into 2018 in an open-hearted way: set your vision in motion.
I’m a firm believer in inviting the universe to collaborate with me in creating my future. The first step is to clearly put forth an idea of what I’m looking for. I used to balk at this – insisting that I was only setting myself up for disappointment by proclaiming what I wanted. The trick is to hold the vision lightly. What I forecast doesn’t have to happen exactly as I lay it out. But good things in the vicinity of what I’m looking for often materialize when I set a foundation. The vision is the piece that sets this in motion.
How to do it? Try this:
Take out a piece of paper (or open a document) and answer these 8 questions to chart out your amazing year.
- As a creative person, what’s the prevailing philosophy of what I do?
- What change do I hope to make in the world from my art this year?
- How do I hope to do that?
- What projects am I stepping into with grace and love?
- Who will I impact with my work?
- Who are my ideal collaborators?
- What personal super-powers will I use in my creative life?
- How will I nurture myself through it all?
Once you’ve written out the answers, read them over. Then sit quietly and visualize the ideal manifestation of your creative year. How does it feel to dance (or glide) through the world on your creative path, with your artistic power leading the way? Breathe in the sensations and the smells.
With this visualization to launch you into 2018, you have a juicy tool to guide and inspire you.
Hang the answers to those questions on your wall. Make your visualization a regular event as the year unfolds.
When you’re ready, break down your projects into steps and begin.
I’m excited to hear about what happens next.
Happy New Year!
Blessings and joy!