
The Newsletter = Writing Life Wisdom
emailed to you monthly
My writing life is alternately joyous, abundant and challenging, just like yours! The Newsletter captures it all. I’ve been at this for decades and I love passing on tips, tricks and strategies for your writing work and your writing life. (Check out the Blog in the “Free Stuff” section of the site for a sample.) Then, sign up for the newsletter to get the insights, hot off the presses every month!
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Reader praise
“I love this. So beautifully articulated.”
– L. S. Vaynberg
“Nice newsletter. Reading the slowing down part allowed me to take a big breath.”
– Micheline Auger
“Well put. Thanks for the reminder.”
– Gardiner Comfort
“…thank you so much for this piece. It is exactly what I needed to read at this very moment.”
– Dre Jones
“Thank You, Steve for this inspiring ‘get to it’ message.”
– C D Poland